

Inspiring Art by Andrey Poletaev




Inspiring Art by Andrey Poletaev




You can think of the ballpoint pen as the illegitimate stepchild of the high-art world. Lowly and commonplace, this five-and-dime-store writing instrument has long been the tool of choice for doodling daydreamers and pedestrian sketch artists. Not surprisingly, many critics have rejected this pen as being unworthy as a painterly medium.

Don’t tell that to Andrey Poletaev, a Ukrainian-born artist who has done much to transform the ordinary ballpoint pen into a Cinderella of creativity. His numerous ink-on-paper drawings have transcended the static linearity of the ballpoint pen, creating works that are remarkable for their shading, nuance, and expression.

Article by John Pitcher


Magnificent Mile

Magnificent Mile

Andrey Poletaev, a Modern Master of Ballpoint Pen Art

Basic ballpoint pen is one of the tools at everyone`s disposal and I can’t think of any person that never used a pen; we use it on the daily basis without giving it much thought.  Many will remember creating simple drawings and doodles while in class at school or perhaps on the train, but never really thought of the potential and the conceptual meaning of those simplistic ballpen drawings we created. Before we knew it, simple ballpoint pen drawings turned into true works of art, capturing the hearts of many all around the globe and the direction of Ballpoint Pen Art was born. We all played a part in growth of this movement, allowing those who are truly skilled to shine and share their vision with the world.

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I was thrilled to see my work on the cover of your magazine!

Thank you Above Art! Pages 32-39


The Great Lesser Known

The Great Lesser Known goes international in this interview. In this video, Carmen speaks with Alexander Shegelsky, an artist agent based here in Nashville, TN. Alex represents Ukrainian artist Andrey Poletaev, an artist who creates amazing drawings using just normal ballpoint pens. Andrey’s ability to create images with exceptional details and shading to the point that they could be mistaken for photographs at distance. Closer inspection reveals the unique texture and sheen that ballpoint pen ink produces.

Ukrainian People Magazine


Атмосферні картини кульковою ручкою українського художника Андрія Полетаєва

Андрій Полетаєв – художник з України, володар багатьох нагород, створює неймовірно складні твори мистецтва з використанням звичайнісінької кулькової ручки. Колекція його робіт передає динамічне і різноманітне вираження однієї з найбільш ексклюзивних форм мистецтва, створених у наш час. Власне Полетаєв став і одним із засновників, і далекоглядним митцем, що допоміг перетворити малюнки кульковою ручкою в абсолютно новий сучасний та незалежний напрямок – Ballpoint Pen Art .



World Through The Eyes Of The Artist

Ukrainian National Museum of Chicago jointly with Alexander Shegelsky presented the very first extensive Ballpoint Pen Art Exhibition in Chicago. Especial thank you to WGN9 of Chicago, Ukrainian People Magazine, My Chicago News and everyone for your continued support and your appreciation of fine art!

Andriy Poletaev is an award-winning artist from Ukraine who creates incredibly complex artwork using a basic ballpoint pen. The collection of his works presents a dynamic and varied offering of one of the most exclusive art forms produced today.




You can think of the ballpoint pen as the illegitimate stepchild of the high-art world. Lowly and commonplace, this five-and-dime-store writing instrument has long been the tool of choice for doodling daydreamers and pedestrian sketch artists. Not surprisingly, many critics have rejected this pen as being unworthy as a painterly medium.

Don’t tell that to Andrey Poletaev, a Ukrainian-born artist who has done much to transform the ordinary ballpoint pen into a Cinderella of creativity. His numerous ink-on-paper drawings have transcended the static linearity of the ballpoint pen, creating works that are remarkable for their shading, nuance, and expression.

Article by John Pitcher


Andrey Poletaev, un maître de l’art du stylo à bille

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Alors que le stylo à bille a presque cent trente ans, il y a peu de temps, on a commencé à remarquer une certaine excitation autour de cet outil que nous utilisons tous les jours et qui est entrain de tracer une nouvelle direction artistique indépendante. Des dessins simples au stylo à bille transformés en véritables œuvres d’art ont capturé les cœurs de nombreuses personnes dans le monde, ce qui a donné naissance au Ballpoint Pen Art. Nous avons tous joué un rôle dans la croissance de ce mouvement en griffonnant sur un papier avec un simple stylo, sans même réaliser, notre contribution à la réussite globale de ce genre, permettant à ceux qui sont vraiment habiles de briller et de partager leur vision avec le reste du monde.

Aujourd’hui en grande partie grace à Internet, le stylo à bille prend sa place dans le monde l’art en lançant un mouvement artistique moderne qui s’impose, en propageant des œuvres plus belles les une que les autres.

Artifex: Andrey Poletaev - Ballpoint Pen Art


Едва ли найдется человек, который не держал в руке шариковую ручку и однажды не ловил себя за разрисовыванием бумаги замысловатыми узорами во время скучных лекций или собраний. До недавних пор этот предмет имел исключительно утилитарную функцию и использовался художниками XX века только для создания скетчей. Теперь рисунок шариковой ручкой стал стремительно набирать популярность в художественных кругах как самостоятельное направление. 

Выставки Андрея проходят по всему миру: в Германии, Швейцарии, Франции, но особенное внимание рисунки художника снискали в США, где на выставке искусства и кино в Нэшвилле его рисунок победил сразу в четырех номинациях.

Прочитать всё интервью можно на Artifex


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Fubiz: Accurate Ballpoint Pen Art


Andrey Poletaev est un artiste basé à Lugansk, en Ukraine. Il réalise des dessins au stylo à bille monochromes, d’une précision incroyable. Les endroits qu’il visite sont ceux qu’il dépeint : Moscou, Saint-Pétersbourg, New York, Paris, Venise, Ho Chi Minh. Il réalise également des portraits si minutieux qu’on pourrait croire à des photographies. Un travail méticuleux et tout en finesse.

Fubiz Article


Andrey Poletaev is een professionele kunstenaar en daar laat zijn werk niet de minste twijfel over. Niet alleen is zijn kunst verbluffend mooi, superlatieven schieten te kort wanneer men de info krijgt dat deze werken gemaakt zijn met de hulp van een simpele balpen.

Deze man lijkt sterk verworven met de symboliek van zijn kunnen, een balpen is nu eenmaal een vertrouwd instrument en iedereen heeft ooit al eens een pen in de hand gehad om te schrijven of een tekening te maken, op school op de werkvloer of in de zeldzame momenten van relaxatie en rust wanneer men een tekening maakt op een vel papier, het is ook het instrument waarmee de moderne mens zijn handtekening zet, persoonlijker kan bijna niet. 

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そのくらい、精巧で緻密。傑出した描写力を独学で身につけたのは、ウクライナ人アーティストAndrey Poletaevさん。この印影をつけるのに10本、多い時で20本。濃淡の違うボールペンを使い分けて光と影を表現していくんだそう。


Tabi Labo article

Entertainment Vine: A Modern Master of Ballpoint Pen Art

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While the ballpoint pen itself is almost a hundred and thirty years old, only recently we started noticing some excitement and movement of this new independent direction. Before we knew it, simple ballpoint pen drawings turned into true works of art, captured the hearts of many around the world and the Ballpoint Pen Art direction was born. We all played a part in growth of this movement by doodling around with a simple pen and paper without even realizing our contribution to the overall success of this genre, allowing those who are truly skilled to shine and share their vision with us.

A modern direction of Ballpoint Pen Art has truly taken internet by storm and just as any other direction in the competitive arena of art, it thrives and evolves claiming its rightful place as a worthy contender.


Hyperrealistic Ballpoint Pen Illustrations

Was einige Menschen nur unter Einsatz von handelsüblichen Kugelschreibern zu Fabrizieren im Stande sind, ist doch immer wieder erstaunlich. In der Vergangenheit haben wir Euch an dieser Stelle bereits mehrfach uberdope, hyperrealistische Arbeiten von Künstlern wie Juan Francisco Cassa (Spanien), Enam Bosokah (Ghana) oder Lucas Salgado (Argentinien) präsentiert. Auch der aus Lugansk in der Ukraine stammende Künstler Andrey Poletaev ist ein wahrer Meister im Umgang mit dem Kugelschreiber. Innerhalb von 200 – 300 Stunden entstehen seine extrem imposanten Artworks. Einige Highlights aus seinem Schaffen gibt’s direkt hier unten.




Think of art when you look at the tree. Many different branches represent an individual direction. And just like the branches on the tree growing and maturing, so does the direction of Ballpoint Pen Art growing and maturing.

Read my Blog


Think of art when you look at the tree. Many different branches represent an individual direction. And just like the branches on the tree growing and maturing, so does the direction of Ballpoint Pen Art growing and maturing.

Read my Blog